In Need

In Need

The Crusade To Heal Child Sex Trafficking Survivors

The Crusade To Heal
Child Sex Trafficking Survivors

Child Sex Trafficking is perhaps the most heinous of crimes. Untold thousands of innocent children suffer lives of slavery, rape, violence, physical and psychological abuse, drug addiction and more. When these children are rescued from “The Life,” they are often treated as criminals. They receive little or no care or treatment. And the majority are sent back to the streets with no choice but to return to those who exploit them.

Innocents In Need is a national charity that provides funding to create welcoming, safe, healthy environments where child sex trafficking survivors can begin a healing journey that restores health, trust and hope. A journey that leads to independent, empowered, purposeful, productive and meaningful lives.

Across the United States, there are fewer than 600 beds dedicated to treating these innocent children and young adults. Innocents In Need will establish a pilot residential treatment center in Las Vegas that provides holistic healthcare, education, life skills, job training and personal healing. Once this model is perfected, Innocents In Need will fund the construction and operation of 100 comprehensive, long-term residential care centers in the next 10 years.

And BRAND is committed to the long-term success of this bold, new charity. BRAND Founder and CEO Virginia Martino is a founding member of its Board of Directors, and our team creates the branding and marketing strategies and campaigns that advance the Innocents In Need crusade to heal child sex trafficking survivors.

Child Sex Trafficking is perhaps the most heinous of crimes. Untold thousands of innocent children suffer lives of slavery, rape, violence, physical and psychological abuse, drug addiction and more. When these children are rescued from “The Life,” they are often treated as criminals. They receive little or no care or treatment. And the majority are sent back to the streets with no choice but to return to those who exploit them.

Innocents In Need is a national charity that provides funding to create welcoming, safe, healthy environments where child sex trafficking survivors can begin a healing journey that restores health, trust and hope. A journey that leads to independent, empowered, purposeful, productive and meaningful lives.

Across the United States, there are fewer than 600 beds dedicated to treating these innocent children and young adults. Innocents In Need will establish a pilot residential treatment center in Las Vegas that provides holistic healthcare, education, life skills, job training and personal healing. Once this model is perfected, Innocents In Need will fund the construction and operation of 100 comprehensive, long-term residential care centers in the next 10 years.

And BRAND is committed to the long-term success of this bold, new charity. BRAND Founder and CEO Virginia Martino is a founding member of its Board of Directors, and our team creates the branding and marketing strategies and campaigns that advance the Innocents In Need crusade to heal child sex trafficking survivors.

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